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The Welcome To Porthcawl Directory  > Shops and Retail

The Welsh Gift & Craft Shop

The Welsh Gift & Craft Shop


10 John Street
CF36 3BA | Get Directions

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This shop specialises in welsh gifts including a large display of lovespoons, miner's lamps, welsh money boxes, mugs, teddies, magnets,cards,hats and novelty hats, stickers, flags, ornaments and a wide selection of welsh clothing for adults and children,including rugby jerseys.There is also a vast range of jewellery including pocket watches, cufflinks and broaches to name a few.We are also stockists of Williams Pewterware including hip flasks, tankards and lovespoons. There is also a wide range of seaside gifts, rock and fudge available and locally produced food products. Traditional wear is also on sale including welsh costumes, st davids kilt and waistcoats.

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